Next generation, high-quality ingredients for aquafeeds, pet food, agriculture and oleochemical applications. Upcycled and sustainable.



Volare produces top-grade ingredients for aquafeeds, pet food, agriculture and oleochemical applications. 100% natural. 0% harmful chemicals. 0% new side streams.

Natural, healthy and sustainable protein meal

Volare Protein Meal is made of the black soldier fly and it offers high digestibility, palatability and a naturally balanced amino-acid composition for feed uses. It helps promote animal gut health.

The protein meal is easily flowing and non-caking — and has great extrusion properties. It is a true drop-in ingredient that you can inject straight into your production – no need to change your lines, equipment or process.

Because Volare Protein Meal is a dry product, it stores easily.

Oil ingredient rich in lauric acid

Volare Oil is made of the black soldier fly comes naturally with high lauric acid content (C12:0), making it similar to palm kernel and coconut oil. It has no harmful impact on rainforests since it is made from already existing raw materials, making it a sustainable and locally produced option for palm kernel oil.

Lauric acid has many great properties in different industries. It supports the gut health of different animal species in feeds and pet foods. Lauric acid also has great properties for washing and cleaning substances as well as hydrophobic agents. Volare oil ingredient is solid at room temperature, which allows its functional use in several applications, for instance on product surfaces and as a structural ingredient.

Volare Oil is drop-in and highly suitable for several industrial purposes.

Organic fertilizer

Volare Organic Fertilizer provides a perfect source of main nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. It is fully suitable for organic farming. As an excellent carbon sequestration medium containing about 50% carbon, our fertilizer is also a climate-friendly choice.

Additionally, its low moisture level, and performant pelletization properties make it a great ingredient for different fertilizer solutions as-is or with added ingredients.

Volare Organic Fertilizer has qualities similar to peat and can be used to replace it in certain professional garden applications.

A pile of different shaped soap bars


Applications for our products range from pet food to aqua feeds, from cosmetics to oleochemical applications and organic fertilizers. Our platform is ready to open up new horizons for the production of medical products such as for wound care, as well as natural pigments and biofuels.

Contact us to discuss more.

Current offering

Future Applications

Volare produces top-grade ingredients for aquafeeds, pet food, agriculture and chemical applications. Upcycled and sustainable.
